Friday, November 2, 2012

gadget terbaru ZTE Smartphone Sales Target Level in year 2012 total of 40 Million Units

Name ZTE is less when compared with other Android phone manufacturers. However, from year to year the number of production ZTE experiencing a positive trend. In fact they are now referred to as the fifth largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world.

In 2011, ZTE has sold 15 million units worldwide smartphone. Now, they are targeting the sale of twice as much, which is 40 million units of smartphones. In addition, for products tablets, they only target the level of sales of 1 million units.

Most of the smart phone will also be launched in mainland China. It is reasonable, because China is their home base and is known as the largest smartphone market in the world. Senior VP of ZTE, Zhang Renjun also claimed that the ZTE mobile phone sales in the rest of the world also increased quite good. Among these are Japan, USA, Europe, Australia and some developing countries.

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